Privacy and Data Protection Policy
The CO2Carbon website processes the personal data of users in accordance with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679), Articles 13 and 14.
Name of registry
CO2Carbon (project No. 21081)
Data Controller
UP Catalyst OÜ, CO2Carbon project leader
Reg. number 14798378
Akademia Tee 23, 12618 Tallinn
+372 5329 2353
Data Controller’s representative
Einar Karu, Head of R&D at UP Catalyst\ project coordinator
+372 5331 7779
Information collected:
CO2Carbon servers collect the following analytics:
CO2Carbon does not associate this data to individual user identities.
Browser-based filing information systems employ cookies to process personal data. Cookies are used to implement services, facilitate login, and enable the compilation of statistics on services. Users may prevent the use of cookies in their browser programs, but this may prevent the system from operating appropriately. Browser-based systems employ cookies to process personal data sensitive personal information is not stored within cookies.
CO2Carbon uses web forms on this site. These forms require users to give contact information (name, surname, email). Contact information from the registration form is used only to send material relating to the purpose for which it was collected and will not be sold to another party.
Use of collected information:
Distribution of collected information:
Responsibility for External Sites:
This website contains links to other websites. Some of those websites may be operated by third parties. We provide the links for your convenience, but we do not review, control, or monitor the privacy practices of websites operated by others.
We are not responsible for the performance of websites operated by third parties or for your business dealings with them. Therefore, whenever you leave this website we recommend that you review each website’s privacy practices and make your own conclusions regarding the adequacy of these practices.
Right to review and demand corrections
Every person in the registry has a right to review all data on them in the registry and demand the correction of possible errors or supplementation of incomplete information. If a person wants to review or demand corrections to data on them in the registry, they must send a written request to the registrar. The registrar can request the person to provide personal identification, if necessary. The registrar will answer the customer within the timeframe established by GDPR (mainly within one month).
Other rights pertaining to personal data
Any person in the registry has the right to request their personal data to be deleted from the registry (“right to be forgotten”). Registered individuals also have the other rights established by GDPR, as restricting the handling of personal data in certain situations. Requests must be sent to the registrar in writing. The registrar can request the person to provide personal identification, if necessary. The registrar will answer the customer within the timeframe established by GDPR (mainly within one month).